  Crusaders Outreach Ministries
King James Bible ×


Thank you for taking a moment to check out this page. You are important to us and we appreciate your service to the community you serve! As a first responder, I am sure you have seen and dealt with many things you would rather not talk about or even think about.

Do these things consume your mind? Do you feel that you can't talk to your spouse as he/she simply wouldn't understand, or you don't want them to worry anymore than they already do. If you're not married, who else can you talk to?

First of all, we are here to help YOU! We want to be an open ear when you simply need to talk through the struggles.

You live in a world that is pulling at you from all directions. Are there times that you struggle to find purpose in your life?

Do you ever feel like you can't find purpose and that there is no hope of ever being happy and having true joy in your life? Grieving Officer

Suicide is the number one issue we see in law enforcement today. Many across our country have lost jobs and don't know where to turn to support their families. As times get hard, they just want to get out of it all. If not suicide, they turn to drugs or alcohol to try to dull the pain. I hope I'm not describing you, but if I am, THERE IS HOPE!

If you feel like there is no hope, and maybe you have turned to these devices, please take a moment and watch the video below this message. The video will show you that hope and purpose are available to you, and it's possible for you to find it TODAY!

Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life, or that maybe there is more to life than what you have found? Many of us look to the stars of Hollywood and think they have it all. We say: "I would give anything to be where they are". However, the truth is that many of those that you would think to have it all are actually not happy at all, they are still searching for a greater purpose. You see, money, fame, and things don't give you true joy. They will all leave you wanting more. Sometimes it feels like you are walking along and come to a big canyon in your path with no way across. I want to share that there is a way across!

Illustration - Hopelessness

Illustration - Gospel

What if I were to tell you that there is a way to have a purpose and true joy beyond anything this world could ever offer you? I have personally discovered this purpose, along with so many others. I invite you to learn how you too can find purpose and hope in your life. You are loved more than you will ever know. God's love is beyond anything you have ever experienced. It changed my life and it will change yours as well!

Please take a couple minutes and watch the below video. It will change your life!

Resource Center

Tell us a little about yourself and let us know if you were helped by this page. Also, if you have questions, let us know and we will get back with you as soon as we can.

(if you fill out your address, we would love send you some additional information)


Resource Center